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Archive for February, 2010

Bet on Poker

Wednesday, February 24th, 2010

Poker card games are a lot more prominent then ever before and for most individuals the ideal spot to gamble on poker is on the net at a five-star poker room. That way you will be able to play poker and not having the hassle and cost of needing to travel to a land based casino. At a good web poker siteyou will discover all of the thrills and challenge that you will experience in a land based casino. There are a vast selection of styles to pick from including (but not limited to) Texas Hold’em, Omaha, and five Card Stud. There constantly spots available at the poker tables so you can wager whenever you wish from any location you want.

When you bet on poker at one of these sites you can be certain that your information is 100% secure and your privacy is absolutely safe guarded. You will get outstanding customer support day-and-night so any queries you may have will be promptly addressed. You are able to also pick how much you wish to bet on poker for. If you prefer high stakes games they are available. However, you are able to also play in small stakes games or even in practice games with no cash exposed. There is absolutely no pressure and the decisions are all yours.

Are you interested in tournament play? You can gamble on poker in different styles of tournaments with different levels of jackpots and buy-ins. There are individual table tournaments and multi-table tournaments that provide a large number of prize levels. The poker site will even give you the chance to capture a no cost entry into some big money tournaments. So why not experience it all. Sign up now for the convenience, safety, and exhilaration of web poker.

Web High Stakes Poker – Who is the Player Sbrugby?

Sunday, February 21st, 2010

There is a brand-new player on the poker block who uses the name sbrugby. If you have been paying attention to big stakes cash matches you will know who I am talking about. On any given day, you can catch sbrugby (Brian Townsend) playing at the maximum limits on web Poker. The normal match of 200/400no limit has a max buy-in of forty thousand dollars. Many evenings sbrugby will end up having nearly $200,000 at the conclusion of his games. Sbrugby is rumored to be twenty four years old and has only been participating for 2 years. He captured a small twenty dollar buy in tournament for about $2000 and hasn’t stopped. He practiced his games in casino cash games at the 2/5no limit table. Phil Ivey has been battling this player non-stop for the past number of weeks. Most of Ivey’s competitors go down in fire after Ivey destroys them. Sbrugby isn’t like a majority of Ivey’s opponents.

Sbrugby knows how to play up against the greatest player in the world. He plays a absolutely fierce style and is constantly applying pressure on his adversaries. Whenever he sees weakness in his opponent, he will put his opponent to the test. His amazing capability to analyze his opponent’s cards places him alongside the biggest on the planet. Brian Townsend is displayed in the 3rd season of High Stakes Poker on GSN. Brian is 1 of many new online whiz kids who are controlling internet poker.

No-Limit Hold'em Poker-¿Quién es Phil Ivey?

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Phil Ivey ha sido catalogado como el número uno de los competidores de póquer en el planeta por muchos de los grandes profesionales. Nació en Riverside, California y se mudó a Nueva Jersey antes de su primer cumpleaños. Su papá le enseñó centavo-Five-ante Card Stud. A partir de ese momento, estaba enganchado en el póquer y desea camioneta todo lo que pudo sobre el juego. Phil rutinariamente a sus padres que él estaba pensando en ser un jugador de póquer profesional. Phil no permite la retroalimentación de los demás adversos destruir su sueño de convertirse en uno de los competidores más grandes de póquer en el planeta.

Él empezó a competir con atención después de conseguir una identificación falsa con el nombre de Jerónimo. Afiló su juego en los casinos de Atlantic City. Los pocos años a partir de Phil fueron un período de docencia y haber recibido una victoria no fue un resultado común de la época. Phil se hizo conocido en la Serie Mundial de Poker 2000, cuando llegó a dos mesas finales y volvió con su primer brazalete WSOP, en un $ 2, 500 Pot-Limit Omaha. En la última mesa que destruyó un número de las ventajas más conocidas, que incluye "Amarillo Slim" Preston, David "Devilfish" Ulliot, y Phil Hellmuth, Jr.

Phil decidió llevar sus habilidades al nivel de los sucesivos y se trasladó hacia el oeste a Sin City. Que sigue desempeñando en "The Game Big" en el Bellagio, con los mejores jugadores del planeta. Phil atribuye su éxito a la dedicación y un amor inconmensurable por el póquer. Afirma que está recogiendo técnicas todos los días y es bastante confuso acerca de sus logros. Phil sabe que comete errores en cada juego de póquer, y siempre se esfuerza por mejorar.

A pesar de que Phil ha ganado algunos de los grandes torneos de tiempo, está a favor de ganar juegos de dinero en una base normal.

No-Limit Hold'em Poker-Chi è Phil Ivey?

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Phil Ivey è stato bollato come il concorrente numero uno del poker sul pianeta da molti professionisti in alto. Era nato a Riverside, California, e si trasferì a New Jersey prima del suo primo compleanno. Suo padre gli ha insegnato penny-Five-ante Card Stud. Da quel momento in poi, è stato agganciato a poker e voleva ritiro tutto quello che poteva per il gioco. Phil routine ha detto ai suoi genitori che aveva in programma di essere un giocatore professionista di poker. Phil non ha permesso il feedback negativi da altri distruggere il suo sogno di diventare uno dei concorrenti più grandi del poker sul pianeta.

Ha iniziato a competere con attenzione dopo aver ottenuto un ID falso con il nome di Girolamo. Ha affinato il suo gioco al casinò di Atlantic City. Gli anni dall'inizio pochi per Phil sono stati un periodo di insegnamento e di venire via con una vittoria non era un risultato comune a quel tempo. Phil è diventato noto al 2000 World Series of Poker quando ha raggiunto due tavoli finali ed è venuto via con il suo primo braccialetto WSOP, in una partita $ 2, 500 Pot-Limit Omaha gioco. Al tavolo scorso ha distrutto un certo numero di professionisti che comprende meglio conosciuto "Amarillo Slim" Preston, David "Devilfish" Ulliot, e Phil Hellmuth, Jr.

Phil ha deciso di prendere le sue capacità al livello successivo e si trasferì a ovest di Sin City. Egli continua a giocare in "The Game Big" al Bellagio con i più grandi giocatori del pianeta. Phil crediti suo successo alla dedizione e un amore smisurato per il poker. Egli afferma che sta raccogliendo le competenze ogni giorno ed è molto confuso circa i suoi successi. Phil sa che commette errori in ogni partita di poker e si sforza sempre di migliorare.

Nonostante il fatto che Phil ha vinto alcuni grandi tornei di tempo, si favorisce vincere cash games su una base normale.

No-Limit Hold'em Poker-Wer ist Phil Ivey?

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Phil Ivey hat gebrandmarkt worden als die Nummer eins Poker Wettbewerber auf dem Planeten, der von vielen der Top-Profis. Er war in Riverside, Kalifornien geboren und zog nach New Jersey vor seinem ersten Geburtstag. Sein Vater brachte ihm Penny-ante-Five-Card Stud Poker. Von diesem Zeitpunkt an war er über Poker angeschlossen und wollte Pickup alles, was er konnte über das Spiel. Phil routinemäßig sagte seinen Eltern, dass er auf die Planung, ein professioneller Pokerspieler. Phil war es nicht möglich die negativen Feedback von anderen zerstören, seinen Traum zu einem der größten Poker-Konkurrenten auf dem Planeten.

Er begann im Wettbewerb aufmerksam, nachdem sie einen falschen ID mit dem Namen des Hieronymus. Er schärfte sein Spiel in den Kasinos in Atlantic City. Der Beginn Jahren für Phil waren eine Lehre Zeit und kommen sich mit einem Sieg war nicht ein gemeinsames Ergebnis zu dieser Zeit. Phil wurde 2000 bei den World Series of Poker bekannt, als er zwei Final Tables erreicht und kam sofort mit seinem ersten WSOP-Armband, in einem $ 2, 500 Pot-Limit Omaha Spiel. In der letzten Tabelle zerstörte er eine Reihe von den besser bekannten Profis, die "umfasst Amarillo Slim" Preston, David "Devilfish" Ulliot, und Phil Hellmuth Jr.

Phil beschlossen, seine Fähigkeiten auf die aufeinanderfolgenden Ebene zu ergreifen und zog aus Westen bis Sin City. Er bleibt im Spiel "The Big Game" im Bellagio mit der größten Spieler des Planeten. Phil Credits seinen Erfolg Engagement und eine unermessliche Liebe zum Poker. Er erklärt, dass er Kommissionierung bis Fertigkeiten jeden Tag und ist sehr beschämt über seine Erfolge. Phil weiß, dass er Fehler macht in jedem Spiel Poker und ist stets bestrebt, sich zu verbessern.

Trotz der Tatsache, dass Phil ein paar große Zeit-Turniere gewonnen hat, favorisiert er gewinnen Cash Games auf einer normalen Basis.

No-Limit Hold'em Poker-Qui est Phil Ivey?

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010
[ English ]

Phil Ivey a été stigmatisé comme le principal concurrent de poker sur la planète par de nombreux coureurs professionnels. Il est né à Riverside, CA et a déménagé à New Jersey, avant son premier anniversaire. Son papa lui a appris penny-ante Five Card Stud Poker. A partir de là, il a été accroché sur le poker et a souhaité Pickup tout ce qu'il pouvait sur le match. Phil dit régulièrement à ses parents qu'il avait l'intention d'être un joueur de poker professionnel. Phil ne permet pas les commentaires négatifs des autres détruire son rêve de devenir l'un des plus grands concurrents de poker sur la planète.

Il a commencé la compétition avec attention après avoir obtenu un faux papiers avec le nom de Jérôme. Il affûte son jeu dans les casinos à Atlantic City. Les années de début, peu de Phil ont été une période d'enseignement et de repartir avec une victoire n'était pas un résultat commun à l'époque. Phil est devenu connu au World Series of Poker 2000 quand il a atteint deux tables finales et sont repartis avec son premier bracelet WSOP, dans un 2 500 $ Pot-Limit Omaha. Lors de la dernière table, il détruit un certain nombre des arguments pour mieux connaître ce qui inclut "Amarillo Slim" Preston, David "Devilfish" Ulliot, et Phil Hellmuth, Jr.

Phil a décidé de prendre ses compétences au niveau successif et déplacé vers l'ouest à Sin City. Il continue de jouer dans "The Game Big" au Bellagio avec les plus grands joueurs de la planète. Phil attribue son succès au dévouement et un amour incommensurable pour le poker. Il déclare qu'il se redresse compétences chaque jour et est assez confus sur ses réalisations. Phil sait qu'il fait des erreurs dans chaque jeu de poker et cherche toujours à s'améliorer.

Malgré le fait que Phil a gagné quelques tournois à gros temps, il favorise les jeux gagnants de trésorerie de façon normale.

Greatest Poker Room

Monday, February 8th, 2010
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Do you enjoy betting on poker, but have a tough time locating a game? Are land based poker rooms too far away or really just a hassle to deal with? Then your answer is to find the greatest poker room on the world wide web and start to enjoy the opportunity to gamble on poker any time you want from the coziness of your apartment. The better poker room can make every element easy for you. You can register free of charge and make your deposits in a few convenient ways. Then you will be able to begin wagering right away due to the fact that there are constantly free chairs at tables.

The greatest poker sites tend to provide you a vast selection of games to select from including but not limited to Omaha, Omaha Hi/Lo, Seven Card Stud, and the widely well-loved Hold’em. You can pick the amount you want to play for because there are tables that offer small stakes, high stakes, and everything in the middle. The greatest poker casinos usually will also present a few different events to choose from. If you like tournament competition you can play in single or multiple-table events. The buy-ins are frequently cheap, even for the multiple-table events, and there are awesome payouts offered.

The best poker sites will provide you great customer service along with deposit bonuses and a number of incentives. Your membership is always 100% secure and your privacy is protected. There is never any added weight at a top notch poker room so you make all of the decisions about when to compete and how much to bet for. If you love poker the net poker is for you.